Changing Negative Thinking for a Better Life

One day while I was looking in the mirror, I realized I did not know who I was anymore. I was depressed, unmotivated, and angry all the time. I would lash out at others when things would go wrong, causing many people to turn away from me. I needed to start changing my negative thinking and habits. My eyes filled with tears as I realized … Continue reading Changing Negative Thinking for a Better Life

The Dangers of Stress and Ways You Can Reduce Stress in Your Life

Personally, I view stress as a normal response your body has when someone takes on, or expects, too much from themselves or others. When you overthink or overwork, your body responds with things like being fatigued, irritated over the smallest things, depressed, sluggish, etc. However, the symptoms of stress can start to pack on over time. The Dangers of Stress Stress can cause physical harm … Continue reading The Dangers of Stress and Ways You Can Reduce Stress in Your Life

Drawing a Better Mindset: How Art Helps Through Life Struggles

It’s a personal belief that art is one of the most essential tools mankind has. Through different types of art, we can study ancient civilizations. By studying past art styles, we gain a better understanding of how past cultures were created. We can start drawing a better mindset of how these cultures lived and managed their own lives. Additionally, we’re able to learn how to … Continue reading Drawing a Better Mindset: How Art Helps Through Life Struggles

How Codependency Hinders Friendships

In a codependent friendship, a lot of the time, one person has more of an influence on the other. Definition of codependency : a psychological condition or a relationship in which a person manifesting low self-esteem and a strong desire for approval has an unhealthy attachment to another often controlling or manipulative person (such as a person with an addiction to alcohol or drugs)broadly  : dependence on the … Continue reading How Codependency Hinders Friendships

Being Grateful When Things Don’t Go As Planned

Day 22 of the blogging challenge is a day late, however, we finally were able to get the whole kitchen done. Thank goodness for some great friends and a hard-working husband. It took 3 days to get it completely done, cut fingers, old nails, and no sleep; but man was it worth it. So, I wanted to take a quick moment to write a small … Continue reading Being Grateful When Things Don’t Go As Planned

Mental Psychosis – My Personal Journey

Today, October 14, 2019, marks 5 years from when I slipped into mental psychosis, lost the majority of my memory, and had to go back to one of the facilities I spent my teenage years in. So, for today’s blogging challenge, I thought I’d share my experience along with some helpful advice to others who may have experienced this frightening event. As well as help … Continue reading Mental Psychosis – My Personal Journey

Coping with a Miscarriage

TRIGGER WARNING. If you cannot read about miscarriages please don’t read this post. It talks about my personal experience and gives advice on coping with a miscarriage. If you are someone who cannot handle this subject, you might not want to read this. Day 12 of the blogging challenge is going to be a little bit personal. Though if you read this blog regularly you … Continue reading Coping with a Miscarriage

Being Kind in Unkind Situations

Have you ever been in a situation where even though you were being kind, rational, and compassionate another person was being rude, arrogant, and a complete jerk? I know I have, many times. It’s hard to keep a level head when someone is bringing you down for no other reason than the pure joy of getting a rise out of you. I’m not talking about … Continue reading Being Kind in Unkind Situations

Suppressed Emotions – Let Them Out

Down below is a poem I wrote last Monday. Usually, when I am upset, I try to distract myself by not thinking about the situation. I suppressed emotions until I became overly angry at the smallest thing and explode with rage. Quite frankly, I’m tired of feeling the way I do when I ignore how I am feeling. So, I decided to do something different. … Continue reading Suppressed Emotions – Let Them Out